April 23, 2013

Bringing it all together...

now it is time to sum everything up. To put all fragments together. There are so many thoughts in my head that I firstly didn't believe that it will ever made sense to somebody or even could bring it on paper. But little by little it seems as it getting a structure. Now, I am going again trough the whole process of research, reading, discussing, listening. I'm realizing that was a great adventure, not only study. I have made great experience, got answers, but also questions again. But all of this little adventure changed a little bit in my life, maybe more than a little. Crazy, I know, but the experience I made and the things I heard and learned exceeded my expectations. My life, private and professional changed, because my thinking has extended. I met people who have the same crazy ideas and are believing in something that called "Neuromarketing". For some people I met "Neuromarketing" are even a life dream. There believe as much in this issue that their giving up regular good payed jobs, for running their own business. I understand them.

A great challenge which I would never have missed and now bringing to paper.