April 23, 2013

Bringing it all together...

now it is time to sum everything up. To put all fragments together. There are so many thoughts in my head that I firstly didn't believe that it will ever made sense to somebody or even could bring it on paper. But little by little it seems as it getting a structure. Now, I am going again trough the whole process of research, reading, discussing, listening. I'm realizing that was a great adventure, not only study. I have made great experience, got answers, but also questions again. But all of this little adventure changed a little bit in my life, maybe more than a little. Crazy, I know, but the experience I made and the things I heard and learned exceeded my expectations. My life, private and professional changed, because my thinking has extended. I met people who have the same crazy ideas and are believing in something that called "Neuromarketing". For some people I met "Neuromarketing" are even a life dream. There believe as much in this issue that their giving up regular good payed jobs, for running their own business. I understand them.

A great challenge which I would never have missed and now bringing to paper. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katharina,

    How are you? Have you managed to complete your critical review etc? This is indeed a fascinating subject, one that I would like to look into more. Now that I have a little more space in my head, it feels refreshing to be able to investigate new ideas and knowledge from people like yourself.
    I too have found that although I stated on my earlier blog that I feel as though I have done a full circle, I feel enriched by the research and development I have accomplished on this course and by learning about other's inquiries and professional practice. It has been enlightening. My only frustration has been that the communication has pretty much all been online and I would have very much liked to have experienced more face to face collaboration!
    I am pleased to hear that you are feeling a certain amount of satisfaction about the BAPP course.
    Best Wishes,
