July 18, 2012

Starting with Books

It was so habituated for me to blog nearly ones a week that I have to admit that now, after weeks of "non-blogging", I do miss this very much. So I decided to share with you my start of the Professional Inquiry. 

Three weeks ago I lend me five books from the central library of Cologne, but I have been too buzzy to read only one sentence let alone to work seriously with them. To be serious: I need a little break from academic study. But now I am very enthusiastic to start with my Inquiry:

"The Effects of Neuromarketing Insights to Graphic Design and Graphic Design Practice"

Paula recommend to me to add "and Graphic Design Practice" to my Inquiry title and I am very glad that she has suggested that to me, because that will give me a wider range of opportunities especially concerning my practical work.

The books I borrowed from the library are very copious and I already started reading and study them. I am using Post-its to mark the parts which seems important concerning my topic.

The Post-its technique are very useful for me, because I generally don't like to write in books and obviously I can't write in a book which I don't own. So, I do write parallel the important parts into a notebook. Because the books contains a lot of essential and new information I decide to make gradations of importance with different Post-it colors.

Green = important

Orange = very imporant

Magenta = extremly important

When I do have to copy one part (because of pictures) I do write "copy" on the Post-it.

Maybe this technique do also work for you. 

Let me know how you start with you studies about your Inquiry Topic and if you have any ideas of managing your studies. 

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