April 17, 2012

6c: Literature

Methodological literature
Collins, Hilary, 2010. Creative Research: The Theory and Practice of research for the creative industry, Lausanne: AVA Publishing SA
This book does not only describe and explain all research- and analysing methods, it is also focused especially on the research in the creative industry. I am planning to do research in this industry and this book will give me specific informations about the special requirements needed.

Subject literature
Bayas-Linke, D., Scheier, C., Schneider, J., 2010. Codes: Die geheime Sprache der Produkte, Freiburg: Haufe-Lexware GmbH & Co. KG.
This book is the latest publication of the main german author Dr. Christian Scheier. He has worked in the neuropsychology field and now implements his knowledge as a marketing consult in his own company “decode”. The Book Codes: Die geheime Sprache der Produkte (Codes: the secret language of products) assumes that we have learned “mental codes” which we do connect to the product that we are using. The connections were built in our early childhood (Scheier, 2010). This assumption is very exciting and gives new opportunities for packaging design, visual-, sensory product- and brand-communication. This book covers many opportunities for the implementation of neuromarketing and neuroscience and can be very useful for my inquiry.

Häusel, H. G., 4th, 2005. Think Limbic: Die Macht des Unbewussten verstehen und nutzen für Motivation, Marketing, Management, Planegg: Rudolf Haufe GmbH & Co. KG.
The author are Dipl. Psychologist and are one of the leading experts in marketing-, selling- and management-brain-science. Dr. Hans-Georg Häusel are currently lecturer on the university of economy in Zurich. He developed the Limbic® Model, which is today considered as the best instrument for the detection of conscious and subconscious life- and purchasing motives, also for a neuropsychological founded target group segmentation and personality measurement. In this book the author describes the different limbic types of the human personality. In the field of neuromarketing it is like a differentiation into target groups. This issue is also very important for me, because neuromarketing has a different approach as Advertising Psychology. Furthermore I have to know to which my graphic design may concern.

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