April 13, 2012

Survey in Process

At the moment I am planning and designing my survey. At first I had a costumer survey in mind, but after reading trough nearly 100 pages of the book 'Think limbic: Die Macht des Unterbewussten verstehen und nutzen' (Think limbic: How to understand and use the power of the subconscious) from the author Hans-Georg Häusel I reject my plan. This is a great book and helped me a lot during the phase of developing my survey. The author states that costumer surveys are not very useful, he assumes that participants can't answer truly:
Antworten in Kundenbefragungen zeigen nämlich die fatale Tendenz der Befragten, sich selbst als hochvernünftige und rationale Wesen darzustellen. Die wirklichen Gefühle – insbesondere solche, die unserem christlich geprägten Wertsystem zuwider laufen, wie Wunsch nach Status, Überlegenheit etc. werden verleugnet.
(The answers of surveyed participants in costumer surveys shows a tendency to represent themselves as very reasonable and rational persons. The real feelings – especially such feelings which contrary to the christian influenced value-system, like the desire for status, superiority etc. will be denied)
After reading this information I decided to reject the costumer survey plan. Not only because of this source, I have read about this problem once or twice before. Additionally to this, the reaction of the surveyed seems to me logical. But the question was now: How can I built my investigation? I have an idea and I hope this works. Now, I will working out neither a costumer survey, I will develop a survey for everybody.

I will post my  Survey for Everybody  today. So, please come back later and give me just a few minutes of your time to answer the questions. That would be a great help!

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